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Your Newsletter – November 2020


Welcome to our November newsletter! After what has been a challenging year globally we find ourselves hurtling towards December and once again being in lockdown. The team at the CMO are saddened by the impact that restrictions have had on our ability to get to know you, our residents, and properly welcome you to Chilmington Green. At a time when we should be planning a community Christmas event it sharply brings into focus how much we have had to change the way in which we operate. However, we look forward to being able to increase our activities as and when Covid-19 restrictions allow. Acknowledging how difficult this year has been for some people, if you need help and support during these times, then Ashford Borough Council has links to many useful services, including financial and mental health advice on their website:

On a more positive note, please read on to find out what we have planned and other useful information.

It feels a little early to be wishing you a happy Christmas, but nonetheless, for those who can’t make our virtual event detailed below where we will share season’s greetings, we wish you a healthy and fun time with your families.

CEO, Chilmington Management Organisation

CMO Director-Resident Session Tuesday 1 December
6pm to 7pm
As we are unable to use our onsite community building and hold face to face meetings, we have organised another virtual CMO Director – Resident Session. This event will be different to the last couple of sessions, as no booking is necessary. Come hear about the activities and purpose of the CMO, learn further details on what the CMO aims to bring to life for residents at Chilmington Green. From 6 to 7pm. More info can be found on the CMO’s activities page.

Estate Rent Charge Billing
Financial Year 2020/2021
Your Estate Rent Charge bills will shortly be arriving on your door mats. These bills are for the period 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021 and will take into account any amounts paid upon sale completion for this financial year. RMG, our Estate Manager, will be sending them out and any queries you have relating to your bill should be directed to RMG. We apologise for the delay in these bills being sent, please be assured that robust processes are in place to ensure that this happens in a timely manner for future bills.

If you have any questions regarding your bill, please contact RMG who are available 24/7. You will have recently received the RMG Handbook which tells you more about what your bill pays for.

Online Chat –
Portal –
Email –
Phone – 0345 002 4278

Who’s Who?!
Alongside the CMO, there are local authorities that have responsibilities for Chilmington Green. We thought you may find it helpful to know who the councillors who represent Chilmington Green are:

Great Chart with Singleton Parish Council
Cllr Ian McClintock –
Chair & Member for Chilmington Green

Contact Ian via the Parish Clerk, Aniko Szocs
01233 616923

A Parish Council noticeboard is at the junction of Chilmington Green Lane and Bartletts Lane.

Ashford Borough Council
Cllr Jessamy Blanford –
Ward Member for Weald Central (main contact)
01233 840050
Cllr Alan Pickering –
Ward Member for Weald Central
07961 122162

Kent County Council
Cllr Charlie Simkins –
Ward Member for Ashford Rural West
01233 756705

CMO Website
Don’t forget to visit our website for all the latest information Please feedback to us on how we can develop the website to be of further use to you.

It is so important for us to to keep in touch with you regarding events and important information. Please ensure we have your contact details by completing the contact details sign up form on the website. Remember, you can contact us at any time by email

CMO Membership
One individual from each household can become a Member of the CMO. This gives your household the right to vote at the AGM. Membership will offer further benefits as the CMO takes on facilities in the future. To become a member please complete the form, which can be downloaded from the website and returned to RMG. Full details can be found on the CMO’s downloads page

Our First AGM!
Our first AGM is being planned for January 2021. To avoid any disruption that restrictions due to Covid-19 may place upon us we have decided to hold our first AGM virtually. The date, time and further information on how to attend will be circulated soon. As mentioned below, ensure you have completed a Membership Form in advance so that you can participate as a voting member.

The Community Cabin
Have you seen the big blue building along Chilmington Avenue? Covid-19 has unfortunately delayed the opening of the Community Cabin which houses our office and your community space, but depending upon restrictions we hope that we will be able to open this building for use late spring/early summer. Be assured we will keep you up to date with what’s happening.

SAGC Strategy
A draft Five Year Vision & Strategy for the South of Ashford Garden Community is progressing towards Ashford Borough Council’s Cabinet adoption next month. This is the result of 18 months worth of public engagement and consultation, which has shaped an action plan designed to join-up Chilmington Green with two further housing developments in outline planning, maintaining a commitment to high quality design and placemaking. For more information please visit:

Chilmington Green Primary School
The first of four primary schools planned for Chilmington Green is due to open on site September 2021. The school is temporarily operating off site at Jemmett Road in advance of the permanent building being available. You can see the progress of the build taking place on the corner of Mock Lane and Chilmington Green Avenue and the plans are able to be viewed on their website.

Chilmington Green Primary School currently under construction.
Photo by Ian Wolverson

chilmington green primary


Happy Christmas