The timing of these facilities is determined by the S.106 which was agreed as part of the Outline Planning permission between Developers, Ashford Borough Council and Kent County Council. It sets out after how many housing occupations each facility will come forward. How this applies to Chilmington Green is set out below.
NB: Play Space 3 became part of the Strategic Park & the Strategic Park is considered to include Play Space 6 which is why the names of the play spaces in the S.106 do not align with the resulting number of play spaces.
January 2025 Update: Please note, an appeal has been made by the lead developer to change the timescales for delivery of some of the assets as detailed in the current S.106, this is due to be heard by the Planning Inspector in February 2025 and will be determined in due course. Further information relating to the appeal can be found on Ashford Borough Council’s website.